
Be a Marian World Mission Worker for
The Salvation of Souls
(Join us by praying and offering sacrifices for one different soul each day using the following prayer card )
Holy Mary, Mother of the Church, I come before you as your humble servant to respond to your call to work in your vineyard of love, the Marian World Mission, to lead many souls to your Son, Jesus Christ, through your motherly care and divine intercession.
Today I make everything I do as a sacrifice, humbly accepting the trials and difficulties encountered, in full submission to the will of God for the salvation of the soul of _____________________ (state the full name of a living or deceased person, if known)
and all the souls being prayed for by the Marian World Mission workers this day, and those in the past and in the future, that they may all inherit eternal happiness in Heaven.
Thank you for the grace and great privilege to work for you and with you for the salvation of many souls. Help me to deserve your call by faithfully and generously performing my role in the Marian World Mission and in building, maintaining and defending your Holy Sanctuary and our Roman Catholic faith against the evil spirits through prayers and acts of charity with sincere humility in obedience to God’s will and thereby save my soul too.
I humbly ask all these as inspired by the Holy Spirit and through the intercession of your most holy spouse, St. Joseph, patron saint of the Universal Church and of the workers, the master carpenter of your Holy Sanctuary, and all the saints who lived in holiness with your maternal love and divine protection, all for the greatest glory of God, the most Holy Trinity, now and forever. Amen.
Ad Jesum Per Mariam!
Ad Majorem Dei Gloriam!
Our Father, Hail Mary and Glory Be (3 times)
Imprimatur: Most Rev. José R. Rojas, Jr. D.D., Bishop of Diocese of Libmanan, Province of Camarines Sur, Republic of the Philippines, September 8, 2014 on the Feast of the Birth of the Blessed Virgin Mary and First Anniversary of the Marian World Mission.

Prayer to Pope St. John Paul II
Spiritual Founder of the Marian World Mission
“O Pope St. John Paul II, we humbly pray for your pontifical blessing and divine intercession from Heaven to make the Marian World Mission an effective response to your call for New Evangelization, as we faithfully pray for many souls to lead them to Jesus through Mary, and as we sacrificially institute the Christocentric Sanctuary of the Blessed Virgin Mary.
With full trust and confidence, we humbly seek for your supernatural assistance to perform the evangelical objectives of missionaries of the Marian World Mission to bring Christ to those who never heard of Him, and to rekindle the Christian faith to those who have heard of Him but have lost its personal meaning and transformative power.
All these we ask for the ultimate goal to save their souls and ours so that, with God’s mercy and love, we, as His children, may all share true happiness in Heaven with you, and all the saints in the company of St. Joseph, the Blessed Virgin Mary and the most Holy Trinity, forever and ever. Amen."
St John Paul II, the Great, Pray for Us
Our Father, Hail Mary, Glory Be… (3x)

An urgent call of Our Lady of Fatima to pray for conversion and salvation of souls…
Pray for one different soul each day and invite others to do the same…
And look and see how many souls the mission would have been prayed for…

Approximate population of the world today: 7.5 Billion and by Year 5 we would have prayed for 9.1 Billion souls.